Aims For Reunification in Cyprus
In addition to the reunification talks scheduled for September 3 this year between the Greek Cyprian president Demetris Christofias and his turkish counterpart Mehmet Ali Talat, the two leaders desire to rehabilitate the areas within the buffer zone of the United Nations ( a 300 km stretch of desert land, running along the border and through cities such as Nicosia and Famagusta) and prevent illegal dumping.They have developed a series of 'measures of confidence-building "with instructions to implement immediately, to aid the peace process: Working together on environmental crisis situations.For experts to collaborate and exchange ideas and information.Work together to prevent wildfires.Address waste management, treatment and recycling and increase awareness of Water saving.To achieve a common approach towards mining and quarrying.Find an agreement on biodiversity and nature protection.To control and manage marine maritime pollution.To control and manage asbestos pollution.To control and manage historic pollution. Compile a list of immovable cultural Cyprian heritage.Form concrete plans for two pilots restoration projects.Create guidelines for a computer interactive educational programme.To exchange of information and criminal intelligence in matters.Despite forward and work together to introduce these measures, the two leaders still can not reach agreement on the reunification of Cyprus. Northern Cyprus, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, want to create a new state Cipriano, while the Greek Cypriots wish to reintroduce the former Republic of Cyprus with the full inclusion of turkish Cypriots.Prior the meeting, the President outlined how he Christofias personally would like to reunify the island, who expressed his desire for a single sovereignty, with rotating chairmanship, citizenship, an economy and an "international personality". He also spoke of Cipriano and turkish politically equal communities remain, however, somewhat contradictory to this objective, Christofias said that a president of the Greek Cypriot community that the post for a longer period, while the vice president could come from the other community.Greek see as invaders Turkish Cypriots and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an illegal occupation of the northern part of the island. A request was made by the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament supported by a report condemning the Turkish occupation, with 26000 Greek signatures.The report states that as a candidate country, Turkey has an obligation to respect the fundamental principles of the EU That is, respect for civil liberties and property rights. The Famagusta Refugee Council (FRC) said that the Greek property would allow communities to co-exist peacefully and economic development along independence.The-turkish Cypriot president has not commented on the subject, however turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Public support turkish Cyprian President, "Turkey will continue to support the constructive approach of Talat." He believed a solution would be achieved by the end of the year.Although leaders have conflicting ideas about the reunification of Cyprus, does not seem to be animosity between the two communities. It is not difficult to visit EU citizens or any of the communities to cross the dividing line. What generally is a simple case of presenting a passport, with the exception of non-EU citizens who crossed from north to south.
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