Tuesday, February 5, 2008

International Shivratri Fair: Celebrated in Himachal

The fairs and festivals in Himachal Pradesh in India are a fine reflection of the culture and traditions of the peoples of the state. In fact, there are so many to talk about the list that are quite long. And among the most important fairs and festivals in Himachal Pradesh is the Shivratri Fair, which took place between February and March each year. Shivratri Fair has been celebrated since Mandi founding of the city in 1526 during the reign of Sen. Ajber Shivratri Fair is common throughout India on the Krishna Chaturdashi or fourteenth day of the moon in the month of Phalguna (February-March ). In Himachal Pradesh Shivratri takes the form of a gala affair involving people from all levels of society. The feast commemorates the marriage of Lord Shiva with cheerfulness ritual at the famous shrine Baijnath. Each year, the beautiful city of Mandi host a week of Shivratri Fair, which is described as a saga full of colour, joy and cheerfulness. More than 200 hill Gods and Goddesses are likely to converge on the ancient city of temples on the eve of eight days Shivratri International Fair held here from March 6th to 13th this YearShivratri is celebrated throughout the country, but it took a special significance for Mandi, the city once the capital of a princely state. A Shoba Yatra marks the beginning of the show, in which the images of gods and goddess are carried in palanquins. The Shoba Yatra concludes Padal ground, the venue of the exhibition. Proponents of the first visit Madhav Raj temple, which is the main shrine of the god of the area, then visit Bhootnath temple for the worship of the god Shiva, during the fair. Exposure to Paddal Shivratri is a major centre of attraction. Sporting events organized during the fairs also draw crowds. Artists nationally and internationally renowned regale the audience during the evening cultural performances. The festival ends after Jagran, the nightlong puja. Predictions of events for the coming year were made by the astrologers during the occasion. While merriment is on the agenda during the Shivratri Fair Mandi, religious fervour that is a part of the whole procedure can not be missed. Not surprisingly, the Fair Shivratri added as one of the most attractive among the fairs in Himachal Pradesh in India. Remember to be part of the event, if you are part of Himachal Pradesh at the time
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/travel-articles/international-shivratri-fair-celebrated-in-himachal-324935.html
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