Monday, February 4, 2008

My Experience Tracking the Virunga Mountain Array Gorillas With Array Uganda and Rwanda

After a night at Mount Gorilla Nest Lodge, it was a rupture daylight on Saturday December 15th when a Led Gorilla tour of 4 people from Africa Abacus Vacations. A mild cold wind blew on the town of Ruhengeri, facing the Virunga volcanoes. It is here that the Rwanda where the main tourist offices are located so I returned to the Gorilla permits to the group that I was supposed to follow headed Gorillas in Des Perc National des Volcans. In our journey we were on a visit to both Uganda and Rwanda Gorilla National Parks.After interactions between tourists, the agents licensing, to determine who is in good working condition and the most difficult paper on the regulation to the custody of guides, the long-awaited adventure Commenced.Since we opted for the trek Susa group which is referred to as the family's most Perc Volcanoes National, which has been designated as the farthest and the most difficult to find , we felt that the rain makes us a favor by letting them Dormant.We walked through the thick vegetation, the rain that has made rationally impassable. Several times the wet and slippery grass seen many trackers of sliding and sliding, with some held on trees for support. After persevering for 6 hours, hiking several metres over 3500, the ranger guides advised that we had to sit for that we were completely surrounded by the group. The rangers growls to ensure that the silverbacks were friendly and as a sign of recognition of friendliness, growls silverbacks in return. Indeed, the rangers were conversing with the gorillas. With gorillas sitting around and babies happily swinging in the bottom of trees and a playful baby to the holding on to be a tourist, the sight of a great era of nasal cavity, a large chest, shaggy black hair back with a silver striking contrast men We were surprised. It was a truly exhilarating experience and something I will remember for the rest of my life later transferred to Camp resort gorillas in Bwindi, where we have experienced the Virungas in Uganda. Our guides told us that we had to do the next day. The next morning, we gathered at the starting point ready to use and monitor Habinyanja group. We started walking, but as others have followed have led wildlife rangers group that we started to descend to the weather beaten on a very steep hill, which was covered with thick bushes, trees, and some banana plants. A sharp decline for the previous night had left the road on a slippery, and most women screaming for help as we were sliding and our working capital on steep slopes if it was not? T smooth sailing for the guys to be retained at one Tomber my hiking boots when he failed to stick in the mud and sent sprawling down the hill. Sweating, swearing moaning with fatigue, we continued to the joy of anticipation of the now imminent encounter with a gorilla-Uganda? S most popular attraction! An hour after the march, we met some Banana mud and wattle houses surrounded by gardens, papaya fruit trees and passion of plants. Women and children abandoned their chores and starred us. Some of us have talked to them as a small number of them were yelling at the white, we followed with yourself Muzungu Swahili word that means the white man. We were given five-minute pause before proceeding which we used to take water and remove jackets. . A Chris guides informed us that the hardest part was yet to start from the point where we were standing, he indicated that if we had to carry bags or luggage we felt was heavy for the fact that We were light. We reached a certain point, and the guide told us that the gorilla had been there a few hours ago. He spoke about his radio call and spoke to his colleagues. The sooner we moved only stop to wait until those who had been waiting for us that was relaxed to catch their breath. Gorillas closer as we saw a few of them majestically seated and immobile in the branches of the tree is watching us. It was a sign that our efforts and decisions were about to bear fruit. We crossed a small river in a lip. So exhausted and excited, crouching down and bring us closer to the crowled gorillas in total silence. Finally, they came closer to a complete view of Gorilla - more than 20 of them? A startling sight! Two setbacks silver seated next to each other at the head of the group, while others huddled around behind the scene within the silence of our discontent rangers have them come closer. The biggest silver back suddenly standing on all fours and stiffened as a gorilla named Africa refused to sit with the group, or even go with them. Finally, he left the bush and sat in the trail behind us. We moved aside to let others join, but in vain. He could pass behind us, and whenever we could stop, he could stop, so that the guards have told us he was trying to show that money back, too, could lead, and he wanted s' ensure that all is well. But later, he joined his family. Four one hour, we watched infants playing on the mothers? Sales that juveniles were somersaulting. Finally, it was time to retrace our way back that we had three hours of climbing yet ...?? Not even the drenching rain that poured midway in our journey home may ease our minds. It was a memory I never forget! Rwanda has eight groups of gorillas. Each group has a strict social structure based on age, "said a young how we are going to check a point of eating, playing and sleeping space field" a particular area for the elderly. Five groups are those normally seen during trekking. These are identified differently according to figures who form a group. Sabinyo group has 11 Sussa has 39 after the death of a baby gorilla on January 12th, a Amahoro 14, and has 8 Umubano group includes numbers 13 times more tourists 17gorillas.Though Susa desire to follow because of its big gorilla composition, "says Francis figures do not mean a family of gorillas thing.Each is curious, for example, a group may have more playful children or an easy to interact with silver on the back, another more important one silver on the back Other behaviors that are monitoring each group an exclusive experience. However, seeing a particular group, a lot depends on where it is on this day that gorillas are always on the move in search of food and high safety.By merit of their habitat, Francis added, gorillas do not many predators ~. Apart from the buffalo, monkeys and elephants that golden share and live in sync with the gorillas at low altitudes, gorillas living in cold other animals that can be maintained by providing them with a monopoly of the mountain zone. Francis explained that they are able to live in such cold conditions because of their black pigment. "The black color makes it possible to attract and retain heat in the high altitude of the mountain and at the same time makes it less susceptible to heat stroke gorillas as they like the sun. Gorillas in the region can live up to 45 years, with a weight on the silverbacks 200 kg and females between 80 and 120 kg. "The diet of mountain gorillas in large part consists of bushes. The writers aim to be involved in monitoring the gorillas was also to study and analyse the diets of mountain gorillas and constituents. She discovered that food is Gorilla more than 50 different plants, including leaves, stems and stalks are eaten. For shoots, gorillas mainly advantage of the rainy season mountain bamboos, when still green and tender, eaten with trocatea plants. The writer noted that because the bamboo shoots are 84% water, the extra trocatea, tsile leaves, stalk celery, without the bark of trees, young bamboo leaves, stems, urela cameronesis' bark of the stem and leaves, flowers and roots, and the dry season, black berries grown on high altitude provides a nutritious delicacy. More bark eucalyptus, is also consumed mostly by Ssusas Rwanda, the largest group of gorillas, for medicinal purposes. The dominant male gorilla also known as the back silver is particularly skilled in his knowledge of plants and herbs that we know that when one of his group members fall ill, the silver goes back often lead the group to another sector of the park to find herb Hearten sick and members of the group to eat it.The learned that the writer Manger also depends on the situation prevailing in a group and the weather. Normally, gorillas have three intervals of rest between each feeding, which is equivalent to 40% of their total time per day. However, if they have migrated to a region that has a lot of food, they will eat and rest for longer periods, compared to time and movement in a limited area of food availability. In addition, if it rains, they become very dormant; active again when he stops.After pleasure of larking about young gorillas and the sheer size of the men, with a seeming like hours 15 minutes, we returned to The mountains down to a hot coffee and a well-deserved rest.
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