Eating Around the World
During our six and a half years Dolphin Spirit circumnavigation in 56 countries we visited and ate in 50 of them. The only time that was never gets sick after eating at a McDonalds in Egypt - of exotic foods that you receive each time.In fact that little about the exotic foods is absolutely untrue. Having lived and worked in over 100 countries for over 30 years, I had food poisoning just three times, this incident is the second. The third was in France where I have dinner one night in fish soup followed by fish in puff pastry. I attribute my survival to a simple rule - eat the food of the country where they are in Sudan ate lamb tartare (raw minced lamb) with regularity, with some dishes sheep eyes and testicles, and suffered no ill effects. When in Brazil, ate lamb tartare in a restaurant Arabic, and spent the next two days could not get out of a bathroom. That was the first food poisoning, and one that I developed the "eat local" rule.In southern Colombia we stopped for lunch in a road "restaurant". A drain ran through the centre of the dirt floor under the open-sided thatch roof. Chickens, dogs and children persecuted around the few tables which had the beneficial effect of keeping the clouds of flies in constant motion. We ate meat, well done, with boiled yam, washed down by beer directly from the can, without problems.Which brings me to my first codicil to the rule - meat grilled, well done, and cooked in the skin of vegetables, may be eaten anywhere. Unless you have seen the sliced meat just dead beast and placed on the grid, then it is a rare invitation to disaster, outside the best restaurants in the cities. If cooling is rare, then the meat should not be.During a visit to Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, by good fortune that ran in a room reserved for the local population. There were hunting guns and heads on the walls, under tables, chairs and sofas covered each with a person of skin baby goat - a wonderful atmosphere. The dinner was four feet in diameter plate, lined with sour wedge such as bread, and filled with lots of different dishes, all meat, especially goat. Correct procedure was to start a piece of bread and ladle up some food with it, all with the right hand of course, as the left is reserved for more intimate cleaning duties. Zurdo I had some problems label. That introduces the second codicil - learn local customs in advance. In Taiwan, when asked to choose the snake that wants to eat a lot of slithering, just go ahead and pick one. After cooking and suffocation in delicious sauces, which taste like the delicious sauces, and you know it is fresh. It is perfectly acceptable to refuse to drink the warm-blooded snake will be given, but very bad for not selecting the snake.I have eaten almost all types of rat meat is the elephant and rejected only a few. Raw monkey brains is not something that even I like to be in the same room, especially when they are still connected to the monkey. For some reason, I can not rabbit - Yes, I comfortably eat rat snake and the flying fox, but not eat rabbit. Travel is broadening knowledge about and obtaining new experiences and that includes experimenting with new foods. In other countries there are hundreds of fruit and vegetables with tastes ranging from mild and delicious than ever to be seen in the U.S.. So, although the thought of eating meat that could not have left a supermarket U.S. is disgusting, try a new fruit each day. Do Remember to eat only fruit that you have peeled, never pre-cut, pre-peeled or without peeled.Oh, yes, I have been poisoned a fourth time, through eating a watermelon cut since he bought in a market for Indonesian sate my thirst. Break the rules and was punished, even if they are their own rules.
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